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Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.

Secure Records Printing - Pull Printing for Healthcare EMR

Secure Records Delivery - Pull Printing

Documents that include Protected Health Information (PHI) must be handled in a sensitive manner to ensure patient confidentiality. When a clinician or other staff member prints a record containing PHI, each minute the document sits unattended at the printer increases your exposure to costly penalties and other sanctions.


[E]ach minute the document sits unattended at the printer increases your exposure to costly penalties and other sanctions....

LRS® Output Management solutions have integrated pull printing support to address your document security needs. Powered by MFPsecure®/Print software and hardware, a user’s queued jobs are released when he or she authenticates their identity via PIN code, identity badge, or other validation method. Custom device-resident software communicates with the core LRS solution to control and track document access for accurate accounting. The combined environment prevents unauthorized access of confidential information and creates an audit trail for compliance purposes.

LRS secure Pull Printing solutions help healthcare organizations save money while protecting sensitive patient data.

Contact us to learn how you can enhance healthcare document security while improving document access.